

DATE: 17-01-25

Is writing the act or the trace of the act? What is the difference between the act of writing and the trace left by writing? Writing encompasses past, present, and future. The present is the act, the past is the trace it leaves, like an intention for the future. Every action we take is a trace, a trail we mark for our future, and if we learn to manipulate these traces, we can also impact the future. Let go of fears. Interowriting is the process that concludes with the gesture of writing

Interowriting – what I mean by it?
This is the start of a log to keep track of the development of my research on the act of writing.

Interowriting is the act of writing, what happens inside and outside of us to make writing happen? Why the human became writing? And is the writing now who’s becoming human with technology such ChatGPT? Who is the writer of this era?