
Free the words

from language

Painting by Alice Mazzilli

Interowriting aims to explore and celebrate the transformations and the etymology of the phenomenon of writing. 

Intero means whole, entire, complete. 

Interowriting looks at writing as a complete experience that not only involves the hand and the mind but takes into consideration factors such as space, time, rhythm, environments and our perception.

Writing in expansion, without hierarchies. 

Writing is going through one of its biggest changes since the invention of printing Interowriting aims to redefine what writing is.


TimeInk and pencil on paper – A3 – 2019

Due to their relative positions, the movement of light and the position of raindrops, no two people ever see the same rainbow. For me it is the same with writing—no two readers will interpret the same text in exactly the same way. Our biases, histories, and cultural backgrounds all affect how we understand and react to writing, and there is no absolute truth conveyed through it.

Instead, the phenomenon of writing offers us an interconnected web or historical hypertext of human minds, ideas and experiences, spanning from the inception of human recording history enlivened by the embodiment of human stories.

Interowriting takes inspiration from quantum mechanics which has interconnectedness at its heart – interaction is an inseparable part of phenomena. Nothing happens in isolation, everything is relative.

EightAcrylics, paper and ink on wooden board – 2019

Through this ongoing process of discovery, Interowriting seeks to answer the key question ‘what is writing?’, with the key objective to redefine writing, in light of tremendous cultural revolution in both the means and purposes of writing.

What is writing?

It is a technology which human developed in different part of the world independently.

It has been used :

To Record

To Remember

To Celebrate

To Predict the future

As divination

To manifest the present

To Connect to spiritual forces 

To Connect to other human beings

To manipulate

To express one’s true personality

To meditate

To dance

To command

To give orders to human beings   

To give orders to machines

To evolve

By machine to function

By machines to evolve

By machine to give orders

Stressdetail from the canvas 120x100cm – Acrylics and enamel on canvas – 2022


To promote the potential of writing as a creative act


– Create a collective experience through the individual act of writing

– Explore handwriting to develop creativity

– Build a better understanding and awareness of the action of writing

– Mindfulness through the rhythm of writing

Educational and cultural significance:

– Document the state of handwriting at the present moment

– Communicate the importance & benefits of handwriting in the digital era

– Get people excited about the act of writing

– Celebrate the history of writing in different cultures

– Celebrate difference as we all have an unique handwriting

Bang Bangdetail from the canvas 120x100cm – Acrylics and enamel on canvas – 2022

Interowriting is concerned with the intersection between the collective or common understanding (dominated by the rules and structures of language, grammar and subjectivity), the deeply personal experience and the historical development of writing.

This requires consideration of a human subject’s internal system and subjective experience, the sense of ‘interoception’ the perception of sensations from within the body both conscious and unconscious, the sense that makes us answer the question ‘How do you feel?’, attending to the pattern of internal signal responses’.

We write and expect an immediate response just like in conversation

This begs many questions, such as what is happening to writing as a silent, slow, even meditative practice, to our inner monologue and to our relationships with ourselves and others?

The power of writing is undeniable and it continues to evolve.

The power of writing is undeniable and it continues to evolve.

Interowriting aims to expand on these questions:

  • What is writing?
  • Why do we write?
  • What is the impact of digital technology on pen and paper?
  • Is our phonographic alphabet also becoming logographic?
  • What is the relationship between writing and language?
  • If writing arises from the need to leave a mark, how’s today’s society satisfy this need?
  • How has writing evolved and how does contemporary society use and interact with writing compared with the past?
  • What is the relationship between perception and writing?
  • Have pictures become the preferred learning method?

Self DestroyInk on paper – A3 – 2019


The work I produce want to express the Interowriting values.

The process develops and repeats itself in different phases creating patterns created by internal emotional systems.

The canvas is the ideal dimension for the representation of the stratification of thoughts, emotions and concepts, for the flexibility of reading and interpretation.

SeshatAcrylic, Enamel, Spray paint on canvas 120×90 cm – 2024

The clothes create a fluid component of communication taking into consideration the effect of self-design in society, an aesthetic experience that wants to reflect on the global trend towards the development (conscious and unconscious) of a public identity, constantly subjected to the media.

The ‘look’ becomes the manifestation of the soul, the subject writes and represents himself through the clothes he wears, the objects he/she owns.

EscapeCustom handprinted jacket – gesso, fabric paint and spray paint on linen jacket – 2022

Let’s decorate the prison we’ve built for ourselves.

We also decorate the clothes of the environment surrounding us, this is the vision of the Interowriting on the wall.

Immovable walls that provide us with security and fear at the same time. 

Dressed following the fashion of societies, territories, cultures. They too are part of this self-design that extends to all the objects around us. 

The importance of the sign on the wall is primordial, it is one of the first artistic interactions that humans have had with the nature around them. 

Prehistoric graffiti represent an instinct, a sense of belonging, a first interaction between two entities. 

Seshat Glitch Graffiti – Tuscany, Italy – 2024

I’ve also begun exploring those ideas in my practice through the performative act of writing. Through this process I have developed exercises, performances and workshops: Jamigraphies & the Walking Wall

Or just get in touch to have a chat about writing!