Born in Italy, grew up in London
Field of research: Archaeology of Writing, Calligraphy, Interoception, Philosophy (with focus on Deleuze and Guattari), Graffiti & Street art, Quantum Physics.
Practice: Writer (painter, poet, calligrapher, muralist)
Founder of Interowriting© Jamigraphy© and the Walking Wall©
Alice’s purpose is to translate and stimulate interoceptive* awareness through the rhythm of writing and propose an alternative framework to the western traditional concept of writing in order to expand its definition.
*Interoception: a concept developed fairly recently in neuroscience, psicology and physiology to understand the sense of the internal state of the body. It involves the ability to perceive and interpret internal bodily sensations, such as hunger, thirst, heart rate, breathing, and digestive processes. Interoception helps individuals understand and respond to their physical needs and emotional states, playing a crucial role in maintaining the overall well-being.
Writing emerged independently in various parts of the world, a testament to the profound and universal instinct of our species to express ourselves through written symbols. This innate drive reflects a deep-seated need to externalize thought, preserve knowledge, and express identity. It is this same instinct that guides my artistic process.
For me, writing is more than a medium—it’s a journey of discovery and creation. I have always felt an inner clarity about what I want to “say”—or in this case, “write”—but the challenge has been finding the right language to express it. My life’s work revolves around uncovering this language, crafting a system out of the chaos, and identifying the patterns that resonate most authentically with my vision and the message I am meant to share with the world.
This process is not just about finding personal expression but also about responding to a deeper call—a call to bridge the internal and external, to interpret the signals we perceive and translate them into forms that can be perceived and felt by others. In this way, the writing becomes not just a tool of communication, but a dialogue with the world, a continuous attempt to bring order to the intangible and make visible.
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Why does writing matter to me?
Writing has been my way of healing, my safe space, at times my only way to communicate or process informations.
I was a very shy child, terrified to communicate to the outside world, petrified by confrontation.
When I learn how to write I used to write my mum letters to express my deepest feelings, even if we were living in the same house. I’d spend nights just writing. It was healing. I could be whoever I wanted to be.
No judgement.
Writing is present.
At a young age I discovered graffiti, they were everywhere and I was fascinated. They were my inspiration, my navigation. I found in the intricate letters written on the walls the same feeling I had when I was writing. The power of the letterform. That’s why I think Graffiti have a pivotal role in the evolution of writing. When you write your name on the street you can be whoever you want. This writing of one’s name in the public realm has happened across history and doing so means that you are no longer invisible. You exist. Graffiti and lately the Hip Hop culture was my first love.
My second love was Typography. I studied typography went to all possible conferences while working in an advertising agency in London until I discovered my third love: Calligraphy
I quitted my job at the agency and apprenticed with Paul Antonio Scribe studio in London. I was catapulted into a mediaeval world, surrounded by quills, vellum and old manuscripts. I was particularly interested in the history of writing, its origins and how it developed independently in different parts of the world. In 2017 I opened my calligraphy studio AmpersandAlice where I developed my practice further and grew my client base (which came to include the British Royal family, Montblanc, Oasis and the Royal Academy of the Arts to name a few).
The love to research and study brought me back to my first love: graffiti this time passing through philosophy and Quantum physics studies
She joined EDF crew, a muralist crew from Tuscany, IT in 2022 specialised in ‘Arte Sociale’
Alice lives in between London (UK) and Tuscany (IT) and works in between painting, performing, muralism, calligraphy consultancies and commissions.
She writes a series of articles on Interowriting for a lettering magazine called BLAG. Check out the Interowriting articles here